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  • How are you handling GDPR requirements? Are you GDPR compliant?
    At Shipbook we take GDPR seriously: ​ Shipbook has an "opt-out" option allowing for any user opt-out of participation. In this case, no information will be collected from the user. The opt-out option will also delete all logs of the specific user that were previously collected. It is possible to retrieve all of the information that we have available of any specific user. All of the information will be completely deleted after 7 days if you use our Standard Plan (or after 30 days if you have the Pro Plan.) - meaning we don't collect any data for data's sake.
  • What is the difference between Firebase/Crashlytics and Shipbook?
    Crashlytics is a great solution for reporting crashes in your apps. The problem is that it won’t catch all of the other issues that could take place in your app. This is the exact reason we developed Shipbook. Shipbook remotely stores (in the cloud) user logs and exceptions from your app. Most bugs and problems with apps do not lead to crashes, but are still important to fix. In cases such as these, Crashlytics, and any other solutions available targeting crashes, are of little help. In addition, even in the event of a crash, having access to the logs of that session plays a critical part in understanding the steps that lead up to your app’s crash and thereby in discovering the solution to preventing future crashes.
  • Is it possible to use Shipbook and Crashlytics together?
    Absolutely! Shipbook and Crashlytics work together in perfect harmony. Crashlytics alerts you when your app has experienced a crash and Shipbook will help you find out what caused the crash in the first place, displaying the logs that led up to the crash and helping you solve the problem ASAP. Integrating Shipbook with Crashlytics is a quick and simple solution. Once connected, you’ll be able to open the session of the crash, and thanks to Shipbook, you’ll have the full picture and will be able to see all of the actions leading up to the crash.
  • Can you give me some code that I can test?
    Sure! Please try the quick integration: quick integration ios quick integration android quick integration react native
  • I use Log Events in Firebase Crashlytics. How is that different from Shipbook?
    Some users of Firebase also utilise Log Events, which is part of Firebase Analytics. This feature, which is limited to 500 types of events, is focused on analysis and not error handling. In other words, while Firebase may give you an indication of an error and its frequency it does not give you the information needed to understand why the problem occurred. This is exactly one of the basic functions of Shipbook. In Shipbook there are no limits to the number or type of logs you collect. We don’t limit you to a specific length of text but rather give you the freedom to include any text for instance the full reply of a server or similar. In others words, with Shipbook you get the full log with all the relevant information. Shipbook organizes logs according to session, which makes it extremely valuable to app developers, as it makes it easy to understand what went on prior and after any error. Example: You have a problem where a server continues sending a wrong message to the app. Firebase may give you information about the existence of the problem, but it will not give you information about what information the server sends, which is critical to understand and solve the error. By using Shipbook you get all the information including the full text that was sent from the server. Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, id); bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, name); bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CONTENT_TYPE, "image"); mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SELECT_CONTENT, bundle); Shipbook: Log.d(“TAG”,“Free text “)
  • How exactly does the product contribute to my work as a developer? What problem does it solve?
    We've all been in the situation where you code and test - and on your handsets everything works smoothly. Your users however, are experiencing problems and complain that the app doesn’t work on their devices. Why wait for your users to report bugs in the app? With Shipbook you can often identify problems before your users even notice them. And while we are on the subject of the advantages, here are just a few more: 1.Advanced search engine - why look through millions of logs when you can let the search engine find exactly what you are looking for? 2.Even when your user is offline, Shipbook doesn’t lose the logs. They are uploaded as soon as the user gets online again and you will have access to them when you need them. 3.Shipbook displays logs per session. You will be able to see all of your users' actions in order, from the moment they opened your app until the minute they closed it. 4.Open Source SDK - Our code is open source so we don't keep everything secret. We can tell you one small secret: we have a new patented solution and soon we will be able to share it with you :-)
  • Why should I care about logs?
    Logs are critical when you want to solve bugs and errors in your app. They allow you to understand what led to the appearance of a bug or a crash. Shipbook gives you access to logs from your users’ devices. By storing logs according to session, and user, and with powerful search engine tools and analytics, we are providing you with a program that is both easy to use and yet also a strong tool that will speed up your error handling and bring your awareness to problems with your app often before your users even notice.
  • Why is it important to log according to session and user?
    Logs should be saved according to sessions and devices. It doesn’t help that all the messages are on a server if you can’t see the complete flow of the session of the specific user encountering the problem.
  • As a company with extra high security concerns we want to avoid using cloud based services?
    Shipbook has also an on-premises adaptation - this was developed especially for companies that deal with highly sensitive or confidential data. Please contact for more information on this solution.
  • We already have an in-house solution?
    As we haven’t seen your in-house solution, the following statement could be inaccurate, but our guess is that Shipbook offers more functionality with a more user friendly GUI. We invite you to keep your current solution and try ours in comparison. Our program might turn out to be better than, or a good addition to, the ones you have already. In either case, you can try Shipbook for free (no payment method required!): Try Shipbook for free
  • Have a suggestion? Want to give us input?
    Our mission is to develop the best solution for analyzing the logs of mobile applications. If you feel you have some neat features or ideas that we haven’t thought of yet we would be thrilled if you contact us
  • What Analysis Capabilities does Shipbook provide?
    Besides the possibility to view and search according to log severity, OS version, app version, device type, language and other parameters, Shipbook also gives you some powerful and handy/practical analysis tools. Our patent pending technology classifies and groups all error logs. This allows you to get a clear picture of what errors are affecting most users. Based on this technology we also send alerts to you in case of significant changes in the parameters.
  • What programming languages does Shipbook support?
    iOS: Swift ,Objective-C Android: Kotlin, Java React Native We are working on adding new platforms. The following are at the top of our roadmap: Flutter, Xamarin and Unity. If you have needs or questions regarding these platforms, please drop a line or two
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