Wefix provides service to millions of people and maintaining product quality and good service is critical to us. One of the most important issues for us is to detect problems on time. We found that Shipbook is an excellent tool that has helped us replicate problems that our clients have had, but did not occur for us in the lab.
Michael Cohen
CTO at Wefix
Gan Yavne,IL
Social network
We selected Shipbook due to the exceptional clarity and user-friendliness of their SDK documentation. This enabled us to integrate their services swiftly and efficiently. In remarkably little time, we began observing console logs in near-real-time, achieving this with minimal effort.
At Bazaart we value customer experience above all. By being proactive and detecting issues with the help of Shipbook before they are being reported we are able to constantly improve our product and keep our users happy.
Wefix is a smart platform that helps connect customers with the talented people who have the skill sets they need. For example, the clean laundry that has waited for over a week for someone to fold it- while the service provider has been looking for clean laundry to fold. This is where Wefix comes in, and connects the service provider with the customer, in other words, a win-win situation!